Thursday, March 31, 2011

YHWH & His People: A Response to R.W.L. Moberly

In Exodus 32:7-10, God announces to Moses that he is going to “consume” the people of Israel because of their idolatry (just prior to this account Aaron and the people build and worship a golden calf). In v. 7, he tells Moses, “Go down; for your people, whom you brought up out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves….” With this, YHWH disowns Israel and completely denies all association with them.

However, in v. 11, Moses faithfully reminds YHWH that the people of Israel are his (YHWH’s) chosen people. He responds, “…why does your wrath burn hot against your people, whom you brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power and with a might hand?” The passage closes with YHWH’s relenting “of the disaster which he thought to do to his people,” indicating, as Moberly writes, “Yahweh’s acceptance of Moses’ plea. Yahweh accepts that Israel is his people and so not to be destroyed or cast off” (Moberly, 50).

As has been stated in previous posts, YHWH allowed for this change of mind by making his judgment dependent upon Moses’ response. In 32:10, YHWH makes a promise to Moses that is almost identical to his promise with Abraham in Genesis 12:3. Yet again, Moses hears and faithfully responds by recalling YHWH’s covenant with Israel (notice he uses the name “Israel” rather than “Jacob”). Moberly writes, “Yahweh’s faithfulness to his promise, to which Moses appeals in v. 13, becomes the reason why Yahweh spares the people…” (50). Furthermore, “It is God’s faithfulness alone which is the basis for forgiveness; and yet this faithfulness is only revealed and made actual when Moses’ bold intercession calls it forth” (51). Therefore, it is both Moses and YHWH together who act as the responsible agents for the future of Israel as YHWH’s people.

Throughout history, God has chosen, at times, to act alone; however, more commonly, as Scripture reveals, God chooses to act in the world through human beings. From the beginning of creation with Adam and Eve to the establishment of God’s covenant with Abraham to the deliverance of God’s people out of slavery in Egypt through Moses to the warnings of judgment and unveiling of mercy through the prophets to YHWH entering the world in the life of a man, God chooses to act, revealing his kingdom and his will to all of creation, through the life of his people. This revelation continues today through the joining of YHWH’s perfect faithfulness alongside the faithful response of YHWH’s people, the church. May the church continue to reveal the faithfulness of YWHW through its faithful response to his kingdom, his will, and his calling into relationship.
Grace to you,

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