Monday, February 21, 2011

The Reality of Ministry

Ministry sounds romantic. It’s like an ongoing mission trip—seems wonderful! However, when dealing with real people facing real life head-on, one begins to relate to the response of those like Moses (“Who am I?”), Jeremiah (“I’m too young.”), and Isaiah (“Woe is me! I am ruined!”). I sometimes wonder at what point reality hit the apostles; when did the cost of the great victory that had been promised come to a complete realization? Do you suppose at times they reflected upon Jesus’ words, “Take up your cross,” and thought that it would’ve been nice to have understood the full meaning of this much sooner! After all, in being called to discipleship, one is being called to “Come and die.” Still, with this knowledge, together they went out with a greater understanding that evil had been defeated, and they continued to overcome it with good.

Ministry is a daunting task, and, yet, day after day, God continues to choose to work through the lives of humans for the sake of humans (and all of his kingdom!). May we not give up on one another but continue in the way of sacrificial love, serving one another that we may better serve him. And may we faithfully and courageously answer the call to come and die—“Here I am. Send me.”

Grace to you,

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