In the Epistle to the Hebrews, the author writes to a people who have grown tired in the faith. It has been said that they entered packing for a weekend trip and instead they faced a pilgrimage filled with trial, suffering, and temptation. Some thought it easiest to return to their Jewish roots while others were attracted by more exciting, here and now events; they were turning to the newest fads and the “happening” places to be, allowing faith to fall by the wayside, tackled by the gods of the age. One can’t help but wonder if today’s church being greatly influenced and changed by the modern entertainment culture is falling into the same abomination and leaving matters of the faith behind. However, in a society that is growing tired of what seems to be the same old story, is relying upon entertainment as a sort of hook instead of the sustaining nature of Christ, his mission, and his story the best solution, or is this taking the easy way out, the way that only leads to destruction and moral decay?
Thurston Barlow addresses the intrusion of the American entertainment culture on the church and the dangerous effects it is having upon the Christian faith, particularly Christian morality. He calls the American society “…highly individualistic, self-indulgent, therapeutic, relativistic, and secular…” (2) comparing it to what the church is rapidly becoming. Too many individuals in the church today, instead of seeking to faithfully serve and worship YHWH, are searching for way in which they can be served or edified, what has come to be known as “church lite.” Barlow states, “Edification, in a climate severed from any openness to transcendence, can only degenerate into countless distortions” (3).
For a community with the original intent of living in relationship with the Father and with each other, serving, and worshipping the God of both mystery and majesty, it is a serious offense to seek merely a “feel good” injection to boost our self esteem and reassure us in the ways we currently live. Barlow writes that, in worship, “…we are made painfully aware that we have not been who he has called us to be” (5). In the new, entertainment age, with the infiltration of one of the gods of the age, the church is continuing to live out this judgment without regard to any sense of personal and communal responsibility. It must prepare itself to live a moral life against the standards set by the modern society.
It is not that being entertained and enjoying worship is a downfall; rather, if one is bored to tears, the church is still not fulfilling its purpose. However, when entertainment, “Dim the ‘brights’, bring up the blue lights, crank up the wattage, and waft the smell of popcorn into the ‘worship center,’” becomes the central focus and intent of the church instead of worshipping YHWH and preparing ourselves and each other for daily service and moral living in the kingdom, then the church’s worship has sorrowfully been slayed by the gods.
Grace to you,
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How have we made it all so complicated....and how do we fix it?